National Nonprofit Day was created in order to recognize the impact these organizations have on our local communities and around the world. We all have the ability to promote positive change. There are a lot of organizations that many people feel a personal connection to. Each quarter our organization gives our employees 8 hours to volunteer to any organization they wish. Philanthropy is one of our core values at Zempleo and we feel it is very important to create a lasting impact on our community and worldwide.
In honor of National Nonprofit Day, we would like to highlight an organization that we are partnering with this year and some of our employees have volunteered for many years.
We sat down with CEO of MitoAction, Kira Mann, as she explains to us about MitoAction and upcoming events that are happening this year and how you can help support.
For over 15 years, MitoAction has been transforming the lives of families affected by mitochondrial disease. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for children, adults and families living with mitochondrial disease through support, education, outreach, advocacy and clinical research initiatives.
Committed to making the largest impact possible, MitoAction serves individuals in the U.S. and around the world through support, education, outreach, advocacy, and clinical research initiatives. The programs and services MitoAction provides continue to be a lifeline for families impacted by mitochondrial disease. Families know with MitoAction, they will never be alone on this difficult journey.
Upcoming Events:
- Kendra Scott is celebrating MitoAction for National Non-Profit Day and we hope you can join! We’re kicking off the festivities on August 17th at 5:00pm with a virtual happy hour and styling session, so come check out the latest gems from our fall collection as you raise funds for MitoAction.
Register for the virtual happy hour: https://kendragivesbackformitoaction.splashthat.com GIVEBACK8434 at kendrascott.com on Aug. 17-18 and 20% of your purchase will be donated
back to MitoAction!
Shop: https://www.kendrascott.com
- Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week is the third week of September and during this week, MitoAction and mito families do their best to educate others and raise awareness of mitochondrial disease. We’re asking everyone to join the cause this year and help us ‘tackle mito!’
Ride your Peloton with MitoAction’s CEO during Awareness Week. Add the hashtag #moveformito and join MitoAction on the bike to spread awareness of mitochondrial disease. Specific date and time TBD.
More details will follow in the coming weeks!
- MitoAct6ion’s annual walk, Energy Walk, has gone virtual this year! While it may look a little different, we are still excited for a fun and engaging event to close out Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week! We hope that you will join us as we #moveformitoand raise awareness of mitochondrial disease worldwide!
You will have chances to earn amazing prizes along the way and no matter how you choose to participate (walking, running, biking, swimming, etc.), you’re making a difference in the lives of patients and families who rely on us. Help to show our community that even during these uncertain times, we are still powerful and still strong!
To register your team: https://give.mitoaction.org/event/2020-virtual-energy-walk-and-5k/e291274